Tiziana Laureti is Full Professor of Economic Statistics and Director of the Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization, University of Tuscia. She was a member of the Governing Body of the Italian National Statistical System (COMSTAT) which resolves upon the National Statistical Programme. Her research interests cover several fields ranging from applied works in demand analysis and consumer behaviour, environmental statistics, subjective well-being and education inequality to more methodological aspects in price statistics, poverty analysis and frontier efficiency econometrics.
She has been working especially in topics related to price statistics for more than fifteen years. As a member of the COMSTAT, she coordinated the research activities carried out by ISTAT to compute sub-national spatial price indexes using traditional CPI data and scanner data obtained from retail trade distribution (since 2014-2018). She is also working with the ISTAT researchers in the field of official temporal price indexes measuring inflation with the aim of investigating the use of multilateral comparison methods for better incorporating scanner data in CPIs as well as for the computation of regional price indexes for measuring regional differences in price levels across Italian regions using different sources of data.
At international level she collaborated with the international research group for comparing consumer prices across geographical areas. In this context she contributed in several conferences and technical meeting related to the International Comparison Program of the World Bank.
Recently she has been a member of the international EUROSTAT Research Project on “Communicating Uncertainty in Key Official Statistics (COMUNIKOS)” giving methodological and empirical support for Measuring and communicating uncertainty of poverty indicators at regional level. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-statistical-working-papers/-/ks-tc-20-010
Ilaria Benedetti
Ilaria Benedetti is a research fellow of Economics Statistics (SECS-S/03) at the Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization, University of Tuscia (Italy). She achieved Ph.D in Economics, Statistics and Sustainability at the University of Naples Parthenope in 2018. She partecipated to various international research project (Makswell and Comunikos in collaboration with Eurostat). She is a member of the SIS since 2018 and she serve various international journals as reviewer.