Didactic and scientific curriculum of Amedeo De Dominicis


I. Personal and academic data

born in Sulmona on June 23 rd 1957;


I graduated at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome in 1980 with the thesis Modelli di sapere cinquecentesco tra finzione retorica e discorso matematico;


during the academic year 1981/82 I was researcher at the Department of Semiotics of the American College of Rome (University of Charleston, USA);


I collaborated as an analyst to the research carried out by the Department of Semiotics of the American College of Rome, on behalf of the Servizio Verifica Programmi of R.A.I., printed in the volumes 45 and 46 of the "Quaderni del Servizio Verifica Programmi Trasmessi della R.A.I.", Analisi semiotica del telegiornale (1982);


during the academic year 1983/84 I got a scholarship from C.N.R. at the Groupe de Recherches Sémio-Linguistiques de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (E.H.E.S.S.) in Paris, directed by prof. Algirdas Julien Greimas;


during the academic year 1984/85 I got a scholarship from French Government in order to achieve PhD studies at the Groupe de Recherches Sémio-Linguistiques de l'E.H.E.S.S. in Paris, directed by prof. A. J. Greimas;


on June 27th 1985 I obtained a D.E.A. (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies) in Linguistics at the E.H.E.S.S. in Paris, directed by prof. A. J. Greimas;


I was a member of a research group concerning digital speech synthesis at the Phonetic Laboratory at the University of Paris 7;


during the academic year 1985/86 I was appointed professore a contratto in "Glottologia" at the Faculty of Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne of the University of Tuscia in Viterbo;


dottore di ricerca in Linguistics (October 31st 1989) thesis: Come fare cose con l'intonazione: uno studio su alcuni aspetti del discorso in contesto e delle sue manifestazioni intonative;


I collaborated in a research team of the Istituto di Acustica of C.N.R. in Rome for a project of C.N.R. concerning the digital synthesis of Italian;


from September 1st to 6th 1986 I attended the courses in linguistic sciences given at Udine by the Società Italiana di Glottologia (S.I.G.);


since December 13th 1986 I am a member of the Società Italiana di Glottologia;


I am a member of the Gruppo di Fonetica Sperimentale in A.I.A. (Associazione Italiana di Acustica) since its establishment (October 30th 1987);


I am a member of the S.I.D.G. (Società Internazionale di Dialettologia e Geolinguistica) since its establishment (1990);


in the spring of 1991 I have been sent by the Italian C.N.R. (committee 08) to the Department of Linguistic Research of University of Paris 7, under an agreement between the same Italian C.N.R. and the corresponding French C.N.R.S.. I stayed there three months;


researcher through entrance examination, disciplinary group L11 (Glottologia e linguistica), at the Faculty of Magistero in the University of Bologna, where I start work on February 16th 1993;


from March 5th to 25th 1994 I gave courses in italian linguistics and phonology at the Département de Phonétique et de Français Langue Etrangère de l'Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I), by invitation of the Director Prof. Albert Di Cristo, under an ERASMUS agreement with the University of Bologna;


supply professor for teaching "Glottologia" in a.y. 1998/99 e 1999/2000 at the Faculty of Lettere in the University of Cassino;


associated professor through entrance examination (group L09A - GLOTTOLOGIA E LINGUISTICA, DD.MM. 22.12.95), I hold the chair of General Linguistics at the Faculty of Conservazione dei Beni Culturali in the University of Tuscia, where I start work on November 1st 1999.



II. Participations to conferences, seminars, lectures

I have participated in the Italo-Rumanian seminar of History of the Literary Criticism, held in Rome (April 21st-23rd 1977) edited by the chair of History of the Literary Criticism, giving the report Mukarovskij e l'avanguardia;

I have participated in the seminar of the chair of History of the Literary Criticism of the Faculty of Lettere of the university "La Sapienza" in Rome (April 28th - May 8th 1978) giving the report Il genere letterario del "manoscritto ritrovato" ;

I have participated in the VIII Conference of the Italian association of Semiotic Studies (A.I.S.S.) held in Palermo (November 22-23 rd 1980) giving the report Per una riformulazione del modello della veridizione;

in May 1982 I have participated in the internal seminar of the Department of Semiotics of the American College of Rome giving the report on Pratiche e linguaggi gestuali;

I have participated in the Conference of Studies on the Video-games, organized by the SAPAR-AGIS and by the ARCI Regional Committee of Lazio and held on October 16th 1982, with the communication Strutture ed elaborazioni cognitive nei videogames;

I have participated in the Conference "Linguaggi visivi, storia dell'arte, psicologia della percezione", promoted by the committee 08 of the C.N.R., and held in the C.N.R. of Rome (April 12-13-14 th 1983), giving the report Verbale e visuale: analisi testuale di un ritratto di Dürer;

I have participated in the Third Conference of the International association of Semiotic Studies (I.A.S.S.) held in Palermo (June 25-29 th 1984), with the report Qualche osservazione sulle strutture discorsive nelle semiotiche visuali;

on October 8th 1984 I have held a lecture La semiosi semi-simbolica. Tra semiotiche e sistemi simbolici at the Department of Language Sciences of the University “La Sapienza” in Rome, under invitation of the director prof. Tullio De Mauro;

I have participated in the National Conference "Il libro nella pancia del video. Il bambino lettore nell'era dell'informatica", organized by the Province of Rome (April 26-27-28 th 1985), giving the report Quando il gioco lascia "un certo gioco": il videogame;

on April 18th 1986 I have held the lecture semantic Analisi semantica: dal semico al femico. Il problema del trattamento del piano dell'espressione in semiotica, at the institute of Disciplines of the Communication of the University of Bologna, under invitation of the Director prof. Umberto Eco;

I have participated in the XIV Congress of the A.I.S.S. held in Bologna (October 30th - November 2 nd 1986) with a communication from the title Il "punto di vista" nella descrizione del piano dell'espressione;

I have participated in the International Conference "Roman Jakobson: Linguistica e poetica", held in Rome (University "La Sapienza"- Faculty of Lettere, November 26-29 th 1986) with the communication La costruzione di un metalinguaggio  fonologico. (Di alcuni limiti del contributo jakobsoniano alla luce di un punto di vista semiotico);

I have participated in the Sixth International Phonology Meeting held in Krems (Austria), July 1st-3rd 1988, with the communication The Question of final Vowels in Oromo, in collaboration with Giorgio Banti (Workshop on African languages, coordinated by John R. Rennison);

from June to December 1989 I carried out a research for the “Fondazione Ugo Bordoni” in Rome (prot. IR: 32/89) and I wrote the report Proposta di un test diagnostico per la valutazione dei sistemi di sintesi del parlato (Relazione FUB: 5B4489);

I have participated in the second Cortona Phonology Meeting (April 2-4th 1990) with the report Raddoppiamento fonosintattico and F0 contours in some Italian dialects (Calabria and Umbria);

I have participated in the XIIème Congrès International des Sciences Phonétiques held in Aix-en-Provence (France, August 19-24 th 1991), with the report Approfondissements sur la co-variation entre F0 et doublement consonantique dans certains dialectes italiens;

I have participated in the Summer School organized in Pavia September 9-13th 1992 by the European Science Foundation on the topic Code-Switching and Language Contact, with the report Code-switching in verbal production and perception (English-Italian bilinguals);

I participated in the “IV Giornate di studio del Gruppo di Fonetica Sperimentale” of the Italian Acoustics Association on the topic Gli aspetti prosodici dell'italiano held in Turin (November 11-12th 1993), with the report Usi pragmatici dell’intonazione;

I participated in the conference Dalla pragmatica alla sintassi. Modalità e modi nell'acquisizione di seconde lingue, held in Pavia, December 2-4th 1993, with the report Contorni intonativi e strutture modali: francese e italiano L2;

on January 19th 1994 I have held the lecture Varietà sub-standard dell'intonazione italiana, at the Department of Philological and Historical Sciences of the University of Trento;

I participated in the conference Le parole per le parole nelle lingue e nel metalinguaggio, held in Naples, at the Oriental University Institute, on December 18-20th 1997, with the report Variazioni ‘etniche’ di metalinguaggio fonologico (per un’etnolinguistica del metalinguaggio fonologico);

on February 27th 1998 I have held the lecture Teorie dell’acquisizione fonologica nella prima lingua, at the Department of Psychology of the University of Bologna.

I participated in the conference Dal ‘paradigma’ alla parola. Riflessioni sul metalinguaggio della linguistica, held in Udine on February 10-11th 1999, with the report Osservazioni sul metalinguaggio fonologico.

December 20th 1999 - January 4th 2000: research mission in Chad to study the languages Masa, Marba, Musey, Ham, Wina, Peu.

on February 7-11th 2000 I have held a cycle of lessons on the topic Fonologia dell’italiano e delle sue varietà di apprendimento at the Società Dante Alighieri in Rome, concerning teachers of Italian as foreign language.

I participated in the annual conference of the Gruppo di Fonetica Sperimentale, held in Padua (on November 29th - December 1st 2000), with the report Intonazione assertiva e interrogativa a Bologna.

I conceived and organized the International Congress The voice as a cultural asset, held at the University of the Tuscia (Viterbo) on April 6-7th 2001.

I participated in the 1er Séminaire du projet de l’Atlas Multimedia Prosodique de l’Espace Roman, held on April 23-25th 2001, at the University of Grenoble (France), with the report Une comparaison prosodique entre les varietés de Rome et Bologne.

I participated in the Conference TAPS-Typology of African Prosodic Systems held on May 18-20th 2001, at the University of Bielefeld (Germany), with the report The Masa tonal system.

on June 2001 I have been visiting professor at the University of Paris 7.

I participated in the Biennial Colloquium on the Chadic Languages, held on July 5-8th 2001, at the Institute of Africanistics of the University of Leipzig (Germany), with the report The Masa tonal system.

I participated in the “XII Giornate di studio del Gruppo di Fonetica Sperimentale” of the Italian Acoustics Association on the topic La fonetica acustica come strumento di analisi della variazione linguistica in Italia held in Macerata (December 13-15th 2001), with the report Assertive e interrogative a Bologna e a Roma.

I participated in the TIPI (Tecnologie Informatiche nella Promozione della lingua Italiana) conference held in Rome (June 25-26th 2002) at the Ministry of Communications, with the report Co.Va.I.D. (COnservazione e VAlorizzazione degli archivi vocali dell’Italiano e dei suoi Dialetti).

I participated in the Conference Linguistics and the New Professions, Pavia-Lugano November 28-30th 2002, with the report Un nuovo indirizzo di studi: il “bibliotecario” della voce.

I participated in the Conference Il parlato italiano, Napoli February 13-15th 2003, with the report Modelli prosodici di una lingua ad accento tonale.

I organized the XIV Giornate del Gruppo di Fonetica Sperimentale (G.F.S.) (Viterbo, 4-6 december 2003) on the topic Costituzione, gestione e restauro di corpora vocali and I submitted the report Confronto tra segnali vocali restaurati.

February 2004: research mission in Camerun to study the Gizey language.

I participated in the IV Incontro Biennale Internazionale sul Restauro Audio (Treviso 30 september-2 october 2004) with the report Il restauro "perfetto”.

I participated in 1° Convegno Nazionale A.I.S.V. (Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce) (Padova, 2-4 december 2004) on the topic Misura dei Parametri and I submitted the report Sintagma Intonativo.