PostDoc in Single Biomolecule Spectroscopy





A postdoctoral position (one year, renewable) is available to join an active research group studying, by combined techniques (SERS, SNOM, AFM, STM), the biological and chemical-physics properties of electron transfer proteins assembled onto solid substrates.

Applicants must have a recent PhD and experience in near field optics and/or surface enhanced raman spectroscopy.


Send CV and names of two individuals who have agreed to send recommendation letters  independently.


Further information can be obtained  by the project coordinator:


Prof. S. Cannistraro

Laboratory of Biophysics, INFM, Dept. Environmental Sci.

University of Tuscia,  I-01100 Viterbo, Italy

Tel : +39 0761357136  (also fax);   +39 3355715986 (mobile)



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