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Born in Viterbo (Italy), October 8, 1971, Married, one child (2011)



1998-2002 Ph.D. in Applied Statistics, University of Florence.

1999 Summer School of Econometrics, University Residential Centre of Bertinoro

1997-1998 Post Degree Grant in Balance Sheet Statistical Analysis, Faculty of Economics, University of Tuscia

1996 Degree in Economics summa cum laude, University of Tuscia

LANGUAGE SKILLS: Italian, mother tongue; English, very fluent; German basic.




2019 to date Director of the Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organizations University of Tuscia

2012 to date Full professor of Economic Statistics, Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Enterprise, University of Tuscia

2017-to date Vice-Coordinator of the PhD in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods, University of Tuscia- Viterbo



2008-2011 Associate Professor of Economic Statistics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics for Economic Research, University of Naples.

1999-2008 Lecturer in Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Tuscia.

2005-2008 Rector’s delegate for monitoring and evaluating educational processes, University of Tuscia-Viterbo

February-March 2004 -Jun e 2006 Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics - University of Warwick, UK

September-October 2002; February -May-June 2003 Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Operational Research & System - University of Warwick, UK



Statistics, Economic Statistics, Econometrics, Statistics for marketing research, Statistics for Business and Decision Making.

International teaching

Advanced statistics, Higher School of Economics University, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, May 2019.

Spatial comparisons of consumer prices: methods and applications, Toledo Campus, University of Castilla La Mancha, (A.A.2018/19).

Spatial statistics for Economic Data, Campus Cuenca, University of Castilla La Mancha (A.A.2014/2015)

Evaluating the quality and efficiency of production processes, Master course Market Research and Data Mining, Alma Mater Studiorum, Representation en la Republica Argentina in Buenos Aires, Feb.2010.



2015-2019 Member of the Governing Body of National Statistical System- COMSTAT . She was awarded by the Italian President of the Council of Ministers. COMSTAT performs steering functions in relation to statistical offices and resolves upon the National Statistical Program.

2020 Methodological Support within Eurostat-Gopa framework contract for Measuring and communicating uncertainty of poverty indicators at regional level.

2021 Speaker Plenary session at the Meeting of the Group of Experts on CPIs, organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNECE (postponed 2-4 June 2021)

2012 to date-Member of the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)

2019 Associated Editor of Journal of Official Statistics, Special issue NTTS 2019 - New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics

2018 Member of the Scientific Committee of the XIII National Statistical Conference, Rome

2015-2017 Member of the official working group on “Poverty measurement” of the Italian National Statistical Institute.

2007 -2010 Research fellowship on the research project for estimating “Intra-national Purchasing Power Parities”, developed by ISTAT, Tagliacarne Institute and the Italian Union for Chambers of Commerce (Unioncamere). 

2010 to date- Member of the international research group for comparing consumer prices across geographical areas. She has addressed various issues related to price comparisons which were discussed in several conferences and technical meeting related to the ICP of the World Bank, including the 2nd Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting of the ICP February 17-19, 2010 (, the 6th TAG Meeting of the ICP, World Bank October 3-4, 2011 (, the  3rd  Meeting of the Country Operational Guidelines and Procedures Task Force September 27, 2018 (, the International Comparisons of Income, Prices and Production Conference ( the II International Conference on Sub-national PPPs, Real GDP and Living Condition Comparisons Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, China 




2012-to date Elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)

2021-Organizer of satellite meeting “Measuring uncertainty in key official economic statistics " of the 50th International Conference of the Italian Statistical Society, 17th June 2021

2021 Guest Editor Sustainability Special Issue Statistical Methods for Measuring and Understanding Economic, Environmental and Social Sustainability

2020-Organizer of specialized session “Advanced Methods for measuring and communicating uncertainty in official statistics" at the 50th International Conference of the Italian Statistical Society, Pisa June

2016 to date: Research member of the Camilo Dagum /Tuscan Interuniversity Research Centre -Camilo Dagum on Advanced Statistics for the Equitable and Sustainable Development – ASESD

2019- Organizer of the Invited Paper Session (IPS) Measuring well-being at local level to fine-tune public policies”,  IPS 246 at the 62nd ISI World Statistics Congress, Kuala Lumpur 18-23 August

2018-to date Member of the Editorial Board of AESTIMATIO, the IEB International Journal of Finance Managing Editor: J.M. Montero ISSN 2173-0164

2016-2018 Member of the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) commission for evaluating the candidates' scientific qualification for full and associate professors in Economic Statistics.


Tiziana Laureti is author of many research papers for the ICP of the World Bank, Ottawa Group and UNECE which have a great impact in the field of price statistics; such works (not in Scopus) are cited by several other publications, letting the H-index in Google Scholar equal to 23.




2020-2024 WP Leader- Towards the European Web Intelligence Hub - European system for collection and analysis of online job advertisement data 2020-FWC7/AO/DSL/VKVET-JBRAN/WIH-OJA/002/20 granted by CEDEFOP/EUROSTAT

2021 Consultant -Short term industry statistics supporting  the Turkish National Statistical Institute,  EU financed project Technical Assistance for Programme for New Era for Statistics

2020 to date Principal investigator -New technologies for the enhancement of cultural heritage, granted by Regione Lazio, Italy prot. N. 0016293-11

2019-2020 WP Leader - LODINET LOcalDIgitalNET– Eccellenze in digitale, granted by Regione Lazio, Italy

2018-2020 WP Leader- EUROSTAT Communicating Uncertainty in Key Official Statistics COMUNIKOS granted by EU/Eurostat

2017-2020 Researcher- MAKing Sustain able development and WELL-being frameworks work for policy analysis (European Commission, H2020-SC6-CO-CREATION-2017, n. 212388)

2017-2020 Researcher-  InnovAfrica- Innovations in Technology, Institutional and Extension Approaches towards Sustainable Agriculture in Africa, granted by EU Sustainable Food Security SFS-42-2016

2017-2020 Researcher- Biofeedstock- Development of integrated technological platforms for the valorization of residual biomass (PON BIOFEEDSTOCK ARS01_00985)


2017-2018 Scientific coordinator - Research project, Statistical analysis for the usage test related to the “Pigment Solution Program”, granted by  RELIFE S.r.l., Menarini

2016-2018 WP Leader- Statistical survey on driving tasks and drivers’ risk perception on road safety in Lazio region, funded by  ASTRAL- Lazio Region

2016 Scientific coordinator- Porta Futuro University - Tuscia , granted by Laziodisu, Italy.

2015 Principal Investigator -Constructing comparable Indicators for measuring the efficiency of the University Educational Processes granted by the Politecnico of Milan

2014 Principal Investigator -Evolution of the Business and Production Structure -Viterbo Province, granted by the Chamber of Commerce

2012-2013 Scientific coordinator -The effects of website dimensions on encounter overall satisfaction in the travel industry case, funded by SIMET SPA, Italy.

2009-2010 Principal Investigator, Identifying a set of Indicators for measuring the efficiency of the University Educational Process, funded by the National Committee for the Italian University Evaluation System - Ministry of University and Research – Rome.

2007-2010 Researcher, Intra-national Purchasing Power Parities, granted by the Italian National Statistical Institute (Istat). Member of the research team

2007 Scientific coordinator of the research group on “Statistical methods and indicators for measuring university efficiency and effectiveness”, funded by University of Tuscia

2005-2006 WP Leader, PRIN Price Indexes in Time and Space, granted by MIUR

2003-2004 WP Leader, PRIN Academic performance and student drop-out rates: a comparative analysis for Italian and UK universities, granted by MIUR

2002-2003 Scientific coordinator of the research project on Evaluation of the Efficiency of the Italian University Educational System, funded by the University of Tuscia.

1998- Junior Researcher The effectiveness of public support for publishing in Italy, funded by ISIMM on behalf of Information and Publishing Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers



October 18-19, 2019              U-Tokyo & Hitotsubashi Workshop on Economic Measurement and Activities Group: EMAG, Tokyo Japan


October 29-30, 2018              Fifty Years of International Comparison Program: Achievements and Moving Forward, Beijing China


June 20-22, 2018                    49th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Palermo. “Big data and spatial comparisons of consumer prices”


May 8-10, 2018                      Workshop “Small Area Methods and Living Conditions Indicators in European Poverty Studies in the Era of Data Deluge And Big Data” , Pisa. “The estimation of regional prices level: need for comparison and the situation in Italy”


May 25-26, 2017                    The International Comparisons Conference 2017, Princeton University.


May 3-5, 2017            VII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS: Tourism, Economy & Environment. “Exploring Pro-Environmental Purchasing Behaviour: An Empirical Analysis of Italian Consumers”


July 16-21, 2017                     61st ISI World Statistics Congress, Marrakech. “Testing the use of scanner data for computing sub-national Purchasing Power Parities in Italy”


July 11, 2017               Istat Workshop on “Scanner data to estimate inflation: current developments and future use”. “Use of scanner data for computing sub-national Purchasing Power Parities in Italy”


June 28-30 2017                     48th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Florence. “Using scanner and CPI data to estimate Italian sub-national PPPs.


October 13 – 14, 2016                       II International Conference on Sub-national PPPs, and Real GDP and Living Condition Comparisons, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, “Testing the use of scanner data for computing sub-national Purchasing Power Parities in Italy”


September 1-3, 2014             Workshop on inter-country and intra-country comparisons of prices and standards of living, Arezzo. “Sub-national PPPs: experimental analyses using Italian CPI data “


August 24-30, 2014                33rd IARIW General Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands. “Sub-national PPPs Methodology and Application by using CPI data”


August 25-30, 2013                59th ISI World Statistics Congress. Hong Kong. “Environmental features and subjective well-being in Italy: a local level analysis”


April 9-11, 2013                      V International Congress on Sustainable Tourism Development and Environment: Innovation, Competitiveness and International Cooperation,– Renmin Univesity – Suzhou, China. “A local scale analysis on influencing factors of NOx emissions: evidence from the Community of Madrid”


May 28-29, 2013                    Workshop on Measuring Progress at a local level - Eframe project Pisa. “Exploring well-being in Italy: the role of the environment”.


August 21-26, 2011                ISI 2011Dublin 58th Congress International Statistical Institute, Dublino. “Extrapolation of PPPs over time using CPI data: methods and interpretation”.


October 25, 2010                   Le statistiche sul livello dei prezzi al consumo sul territorio: primi risultati e prospettive Istat,  Roma. “I risultati del progetto Istat-Unioncamere-Istituto Guglielmo Tagliacarne per il calcolo delle parità di potere d’acquisto tra i capoluoghi delle regioni italiane”


September 9-10, 2010                       Conferenza Qualità della vita: le prospettive di studio a livello internazionale, Firenze. “Well-being and quality of life in Italy: assessing and selecting indicators for local policy making”.


May 20-21, 2010                    III International Congress on Tourism & Environment,  Florence, Italy. “Estimating the effects of road transportation on Environmental quality”


June 24-26 Giugno, 2009                   II Congreso Internacional ‘Turismo, Economía y Medio Ambiente’ –Cuenca, “Estimating the impact of tourism in regional economic systems through a CGE model”


May 27- 29, 2009                   11th Ottawa Group Meeting, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.  “Measuring and Interpreting core inflation: evidence from Italy.


September 29-30, 2008                     International Workshop on Price Index Numbers in Time and Space, Firenze. “Are the Integration and Comparison between CPIs and PPPs Possible?”


May 8-9, 2008            Joint United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Meeting on Consumer Price Indices, Geneva. “The interpretation of the divergences between CPIs at territorial level: Evidence from Italy”, “The interpretation of the PPPs: a method for measuring the factors that affect the comparisons and the integration with the CPI work at regional level”.





Articles published in national and international journals (since 2005)


  1. Ferrari G. Laureti T. (2005) Evaluating technical efficiency of human capital formation in the Italian University: Evidence from Florence,  Statistical Methods and Applications, Vol.14, N.2, 243-270
  2. Ferrari G., Laureti T. and Mostacci F. (2005) Time-Space Harmonization of Consumer Price Indexes in Euro-Zone Countries, International Advances in Economic Research, Vol.11, No.4, November, 2005. 
  3. Cella P. Laureti T. Rossetti S. e Viviano C. (2007) New successful entrepreneurs in Italy: A Statistical Portrait,  CRISC, Cahier de la recherche de l’ISC, N.17, 2007 
  4. Laureti T. (2008) Modelling Exogenous Variables in Human Capital Formation through a Heteroscedastic Stochastic Frontier, International Advances in Economic Research, Vol. 14,N.1. 76-89
  5. Castellano R. Laureti T. Regoli A. (2010) Estimating the effects of road transportation on Environmental quality, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.9, No. 9, 1151-1160.
  6. Laureti T. Viviani A. (2011) Competitiveness and Productivity: a case study of Italian firms, in Applied Economics, Vol. 43, Issue 20, 2615-2625
  7. Laureti T. Secondi L. (2012) Determinants of Households’ space heating type and expenditures in Italy, International Journal of Environmental Research, 6(4), 1025-1038
  8. Cacchiarelli L, Carbone A, Esti M., Laureti T, Sorrentino A (2014) Prezzi e qualità del vino: un confronto fra regioni,  Agriregionieuropa anno 10 n°39, 13-18.
  9. Laureti T. Secondi L. Biggeri L. (2014) Measuring the Efficiency of teaching activities in Italian Universities: an Information Theoretic Approach, Economics of Education Review, Vol 42, 147–164.
  10. Laureti T. Montero, JM, Fernández-Avilés, G. (2014) A local scale analysis on influencing factors of NOx emissions: evidence from the Community of Madrid, Spain, Energy Policy, 74, 557–568.
  11. Cacchiarelli L., Carbone, A. Laureti T. Sorrentino A. (2014) The value of quality clues in the wine market: evidences from Lazio, Italy, Journal of Wine Research, pp.281-297
  12. Aquilani B. Laureti T., Poponi S., Secondi L. (2014) Beer choice and consumption determinants when craft beers are tasted: An exploratory study of consumer preferences Food Quality and Preference 41, 214–224
  13. Laureti T, Biggeri L, Secondi L. (2015). Well-being and quality of life in Italy: assessing and selecting indicators for local policy making . Italian Journal of Applied Statistics, 24(2), 125-152.
  14. Secondi, L., Principato, L., Laureti, T. (2015). Household food waste behaviour in EU-27 countries: A multilevel analysis. Food Policy, 56, 25-40.
  15. Carbone A, Cacchiarelli L, Laureti T, Esti M, Sorrentino A (2016). Assessing Italian Wine Quality and Prices: de Gustibus non Disputandum Est. British Food Journal, vol. 118, p. 1006-1024,
  16. Benedetti I, Biggeri L, Laureti T, Secondi L (2016). Exploring the Italians' food habits and tendency towards a sustainable diet: the Mediterranean eating pattern. Agriculture And Agriculture Science Procedia, vol. 8, p. 433-440
  17. Laureti T, Benedetti I, Secondi L (2016). Exploring the Italians' food habits and tendency towards the Mediterranean diet . Rivista Di Economia Agraria, vol. 71, p. 218-228
  18. Laureti T, Costantini A, Pala Mi, Colangeli M, Cavalieri S, Pozzi E, Brusc A, Salvarani S, Serrati C, Fancellu F (2016). Long-term treatment with thiamine as possible medical therapy for Friedreich ataxia. Journal of Neurology 263(11), 2170-2178
  19. Carbone A, Cacchiarelli L, Laureti T, Esti M, Sorrentino A (2016). The Value of the Certifications of Origin: A Comparison between the Italian Olive Oil and Wine Markets. British Food Journal, vol. 118, p. 824-839
  20. Laureti T, Garofalo G, Guarini G (2016). Cultura, sviluppo economico e mobilità sociale in Italia: gli squilibri territoriali. Economia della Cultura, vol. 1, p. 133-148
  21. Biggeri, L., Laureti, T., and Polidoro, F., (2017) Computing sub-national PPPs with CPI data: an empirical analysis on Italian data using country product dummy models, Social Indicators Research, 131(1), 93-121.
  22. Laureti, T., and Benedetti, I. (2018). Exploring pro-environmental food purchasing behaviour: An empirical analysis of Italian consumers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 172, 3367-3378.
  23. Laureti, T. and Rao DS Prasada (2018) Measuring Spatial Price Level Differences within a Country: current status and future developments, Estudios De Economía Aplicada, Vol. 36 - 1 2018,  1 – 29
  24. Laureti T., Benedetti, I. e Secondi L. (2018) Choosing a healthy and sustainable diet: a three-level approach for understanding the drivers of the Italians’ dietary regime over time, Appetite, 123, 357-366
  25. Guarini G., Laureti T., Garofalo, G. (2018) Territorial and Individual Educational Inequality: a Capability Approach Analysis for Italy, Economic Modelling, 71, 247-262.  
  26. Laureti T., Piccarozzi, M., Aquilani B., (2018) The effects of  historical satisfaction, provided services characteristics and website dimensions on encounter overall satisfaction: a travel industry case study, The TQM Journal,  vol. 30 issue 3. pp. 197-216.
  27. Cacchiarelli, L., Carbone, A., Laureti, T., and Sorrentino, A. (2018). The hedonic contents of italian super premium extra-virgin olive oils. Bio-based and Applied Economics, 7(3), 217-232.
  28. Laureti,T., Montero JM., and Fernández-Avilés G. (2019) A Stochastic Model with Penalized Coefficients for Spatial Price Comparisons: An Application to Regional Price Indexes in Italy, Review of Income and Wealth, DOI: 10.1111/roiw.12422.
  29. Berardesca, E, Rigoni, C., Cantù, A., Cameli, N., Tedeschi, A., Laureti, T, (2020) Effectiveness of a new cosmetic treatment for melasma, Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 19(7), 1684-1690. doi: 10.1111/jocd.13203
  30. Menghinello, S., Faramondi, A., and Laureti, T. (2020) The future role of official statistics in the business data arena. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 519-533, 2020, DOI: 10.3233/SJI-190557
  31. Berardesca, E, Rigoni, C., Cantù, A., Cameli, N., Tedeschi, A., Laureti, T, (2020) Effectiveness of a new cosmetic treatment for melasma, Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 19(7), 1684-1690. doi: 10.1111/jocd.13203
  32. Laureti T., Guarini G., Garofalo G. (2020) Socio-Institutional Determinants of Educational Resource Efficiency According to the Capability Approach: An Endogenous Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Volume 71, September 2020,
  33. Laureti T., Benedetti I., Branca G. (2020) Water use efficiency and public goods conservation: a spatial stochastic frontier model applied to the case of irrigation in Southern Italy, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
  34. Benedetti I., Laureti T. Regoli A. (2020) The native-migrant gap in job satisfaction across European countries, International Journal of Manpower

  1. Benedetti, Ilaria, Laureti, Tiziana, Federico Crescenzi (2020). Measuring Uncertainty for Poverty Indicators at Regional Level:The Case of Mediterranean Countries. SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 12, p. 1-19, ISSN: 2071-1050,
  2. Zezza , A. Demaria, F. Laureti, T. and Secondi, L. (2020) Supervising third-party control bodies for certification: the case of organic farming in Italy, Agricultural and Food Economics 8:26, p. 1-14




Articles published in books

  1. Laureti T. (1997) “Applicazioni statistiche” in Algebra Lineare per la Statistica, di Troi G., Kappa ed., Roma.
  2. Laureti T. (1999) “Metodi fattoriali per l’analisi degli atteggiamenti dei giovani verso il lavoro e il tempo libero” in Lavoro e tempo libero: un’indagine sui giovani di Viterbo, Comune di Viterbo- Settore Servizi Sociali e Cultura, Viterbo.
  3. Laureti T. e D’Ascenzo F. (2000) Alcuni aspetti relativi all’utilizzo di internet da parte degli studenti nella Facoltà di Economia dell’Università della Tuscia di Viterbo,  Edizioni Kappa, Roma.
  4. Boero G. Laureti T. e Pinna R. (2006) “Le determinanti del drop-out nell’Ateneo di Cagliari” in Economia dell’istruzione e del lavoro in Sardegna, Edizioni Cuec.
  5. Boero G., Broccolini C., Laureti T. e Naylor, R. (2007) Abbandono degli studi universitari: un’analisi per le Università di Ancona, Cagliari e Milano in Performance accademica e tassi di abbandono: una analisi dei primi effetti della riforma universitaria, a cura di Boero G. e Staffolani, S., Edizioni Cuec, 2007.
  6. Boero G., Broccolini C., Laureti T. e Naylor, R. (2007) Velocità di progressione negli studi universitari: un confronto tra coorti pre e post-Riforma in Performance accademica e tassi di abbandono: una analisi dei primi effetti della riforma universitaria, a cura di Boero G. e Staffolani, S., Edizioni Cuec.
  7. Boero G., Laureti T. Pinna, R., Strazzera, E. (2007) Analisi dell’efficacia e dell’efficienza della formazione universitaria: un confronto tra vecchio e nuovo ordinamento (in collaborazione con) in Performance accademica e tassi di abbandono: una analisi dei primi effetti della riforma universitaria, a cura di Boero G. e Staffolani, S., Edizioni Cuec.
  8. Biggeri L. Laureti T. (2010)     Are the Integration and Comparison between CPIs and PPPs Possible? in: Price Indexes in Time and Space. Methods and Practice. p. 3-24, PHYSICA-VERLAG GMBH & CO Springer.
  9. Ferrari G. Laureti T., Mondéjar Jimenez J. (2010) Harmonized Cross Region and Cross Country CPI. Time- Space Integration in the Euro-Zone. Three characters in search of an Author in: Price Indexes in Time and Space. Methods and Practice. p. 3-24, PHYSICA-VERLAG GMBH & CO Springer.
  10. Laureti T, Ferrari G, Jimenez J.M, Vargas M.V (2010). Índices de precio de consumo y su armonización: el caso español. In: Juan Antanio Mondjar Jimez, Miguel Ngel Gmez Borja. Temas y tendencias de investigación en precios. p. 155-166, OVIEDO:Septem Ediciones
  11. Ferrari G. Laureti T. e Secondi L. (2010) Un análisis CGE del impacto del turismo en el sistema económic de Cerdeña, in Investigaciones, metodo y analisi del turismo, Coordinatores Ferrari G., Montero Lorenzo J.M., Jimenez J.M., Vargas M.V., Septem Universitas Ediciones.
  12. Biggeri L. Laureti T. Secondi L. (2013) Evaluating the Efficiency of the Italian University Educational Processes through Frontier Production Methods, in Advances in Theoretical and Applied Statistics, , Springer.
  13. Laureti T, Secondi L. (2013). La scelta dopo il diploma: dentro o fuori il sistema universitario?. In: EURISPES, Istituto di studi politici economici e sociali. 25° RAPPORTO ITALIA. ROMA:DATANEWS,
  14. Laureti T, Secondi L. Principato L (2014) Sprechi alimentari: un’analisi sul comportamento dei giovani. 26° Rapporto Italia,  capitolo 5, scheda 45: pp. 659-669, Datanews.
  15. Laureti T. Secondi L. (2014) Evoluzione della struttura imprenditoriale e produttiva della provincia di Viterbo, in POLOS 2013, 14° Rapporto Economia Tuscia Viterbese
  16. Laureti T. (2014), Life satisfaction and environmental conditions in Italy: a pseudo-panel approach, Discussion Papers del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche – Università di Pisa, n. 192.
  17. Benedetti I., Laureti T. Secondi L. (2014) Ambiente e Alimentazione: un'unione possibile? 27° Rapporto Italia Eurispes.
  18. Laureti, T. Palumbo, L and Benedetti, I. (2020), A Multidimensional Clustering on Fuzzy Metrics to Classify CPG Pricing and Price Promotion Strategies: The Case of Pasta in Italy, in Betti, G., Lemmi, A. (eds.), Analysis of Socio-Economic Conditions: Insights from a Fuzzy Multidimensional Approach. London and New York: Routledge, forthcoming
  19. Laureti, Tiziana, Benedetti, Ilaria (2021). Measuring and communicating uncertainty of poverty indicators at regional level. In:Statistical working papers. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020:EUROSTAT, ISBN: 978-92-76-28361-4, doi: 10.2785/313140 -



Conference Proceedings

  1. Ferrari G. Laureti T. Maltagliati M. (2001)  “La valutazione DEA dell’efficienza del processo formativo dell’Ateneo fiorentino”, Atti del Convegno intermedio SIS Processi e Metodi Statistici di Valutazione, 4-6 giugno, 2001.
  2. Ferrari G. Laureti T. (2004)  “Multi-Factor Efficiency Analysis of the Florence University Graduates”  Atti della XLII Riunione Scientifica SIS, 9-11 giugno, 2004.
  3. Ferrari G. Laureti T. (2004)  Evaluation of University Graduates Technical Efficiency Using Data Envelopment Analysis Combined with Multiple Correspondence Analysis: the case of the University of Florence”,Quantitative Methods in Economics, Multiple Criteria Decision Making XII, Proceedings of the International Conference,, Virt, Slovacchia, 2004.
  4. Divino F. Laureti T. (2005) “A Bayesian Logistic Mixture Model for the Classification of Binary Outcomes”,  Classification and Data Analysis 2005, Book of Short Paper,  Editors S. Zani e A.Cerioli, MUP Parma.
  5. Ferrari G. Laureti T. (2005) “Estimating Technical Efficiency of Human Capital Production in the Italian University with Correction for Student Characteristics: the Case of Florence University”, Proceedings of Mathematical Methods in Economics 2005 (MME), 14th  – 16th  September, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic.
  6. Biggeri L. De Carli R Laureti T. (2008) The interpretation of the PPPs: a method for measuring the factors that affect the comparisons and the integration with the CPI work at regional level  Proceeding of the Joint UNECE/ILO Meeting on Consumer Price Indices, Geneva, 8-9 May 2008.
  7.  Biggeri L. Brunetti A. Laureti T. (2008) The interpretation of the divergences between CPIs at territorial level: Evidence from Italy. Proceeding of the Joint UNECE/ILO Meeting on Consumer Price Indices, Geneva, 8-9 May 2008. Biggeri L. Laureti T. (2008) On the interpretation of the Purchasing Power Parities,  Atti della  XLIV Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica (SIS) Arcavacata di Rende (CS), 25- 27 giugno 2008
  8. Laureti T. Secondi L. (2009) Constructing university performance indicators in Italy: A comparative approach, Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, American Statistical Association, Washington 1 - 6 August 2009.
  9. Biggeri L. Laureti T.  Polidoro F. (2009) Measuring and Interpreting core inflation: evidence from Italy, Proceeding of the 11th Ottawa Group Meeting, Neuchâtel, Switzerland 27- 29 May 2009.
  10.  Biggeri L. Laureti T. (2011) Extrapolation of PPPs over time using CPI data: methods and interpretation. In: International Statistical Institute. Proceedings of the 58th World Statistics Congress, ISI 2011 Dublin. Dublin, August 21st-26th, 2011
  11. Biggeri L. Laureti T.  Secondi L. (2012) Benessere e Qualità della vita: una strategia per la scelta e l'analisi di indicatori oggettivi e soggettivi a livello regionale in Italia  In: Prendere decisioni: il ruolo della statistica per la conoscenza e la governance. Raccolta short paper. pp. 108-113, Roma: Gruppo permanente della Società Italiana di Statistica per la Valorizzazione delle Statistiche Pubbliche
  12. Biggeri L.  Laureti T. Secondi L. (2013) Environmental features and subjective well-being in Italy: a local level analysis. In: Proceedings of the 59th ISI World Statistics Congress. Hong Kong, 25-30 august 2013
  13. Laureti T, Biggeri L, Secondi L (2013). Exploring well-being in Italy: the role of the environment. In: Measuring progress at a local level. Pisa University Press.
  14. Cacchiarelli L., Carbone, A. Laureti T. Sorrentino A. (2014) Wine from Lazio Region: An Evaluation from Three Major Italian Wine Guides, in Sostenibilità del Sistema Agroalimentare: strategie e performance.
  15. Laureti T, Secondi L (2016) Exploring socio-economic factors associated with adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: a multilevel approach, in CLADAG 2015 10th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group Flamingo Resort, Santa Margherita di Pula (Cagliari) October 8-10, 2015 Book of Abstract.
  16. Laureti T, Secondi L (2016) Does socio-economic variables influence the Italians’ adherence towards a sustainable diet? Proceedings of the 48th scientific meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, SIS2016 Università degli Studi di Salerno, June 8th –10th, 2016
  17. Laureti,T., Montero JM., and Fernández-Avilés G. (2017) Construction of Sub-national PPPs using CPI Data and CPD with Spatially Penalized Coefficients - An Application to Italy, International Comparison Program Conference, May 25-26, 2017, Princeton University
  18. Zezza, A., Laureti, T., Secondi, L. (2017) Supervising third-party control bodies for certification: The case of organic farming in Italy XV EAAE Congress 2017, Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing Between Markets and Society (Poster session).
  19. Laureti T. and Polidoro F. (2017) “Testing the use of scanner data for computing sub-national Purchasing Power Parities in Italy”, Proceeding of 61st  ISI World Statistics Congress, Marrakech.
  20. Laureti T.,  Ferrante C., Dramis B. (2017) “Using scanner and CPI data to estimate Italian sub-national PPPs” Proceeding of 48th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Florence, pp.581-588.
  21. Laureti T. and Polidoro, F. (2018) Big data and spatial comparisons of consumer prices, Proceeding of 49th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Palermo, in press.
  22. Meghinello S., Faramonti A. and Laureti T. (2018) The future role of official statistics in the business data arena, 16th Conference of IAOS-OECD, OECD Headquartes, Paris, France, 19-21 September 2018
  23. Biggeri L. and Laureti T. (2018) Sub-national PPPs: Country case studies, Publications, experiments and projects on the computation of spatial price level differences in Italy, 3rd Meeting of the Country Operational Guidelines Task Force, September 27, 2018
  24. Benedetti, I., Biggeri, L., Laureti, T. (2019). Sub-national price indexes for housing: Methodological issue and empirical analyses for Italy. Presented paper at 11th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CFE -CMStatistics 2018), University of Pisa, Italy, 14-16 December 2018
  25. Laureti, T. and Polidoro F. (2019). Spatial comparisons of consumer prices using big data: Empirical evidence from Italy. Presented paper at 11th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CFE-CMStatistics 2018), University of Pisa, Italy, 14-16 December 2018
  26. Laureti T. and de Jonge E. (2019) Communicating Uncertainty in Key Official Statistics, EU DataViz 2019 Conference, 12 November 2019
  27. Ferrante C Laureti T. and Polidoro, F. (2019) Combining data coming from scanner, traditional CPI data collection and other sources to compile sub-national PPPs in Italy, 16th Meeting of the Ottawa Group on Price Indices, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 8 – Friday May 10, 2019
  28. Buono D., Mazzi, GL, Marcellino M. Kapetanios, G. Mitchell, J. Laureti L., de Jonge E., Carausu F. & Sahir ICOMmunicating UNcertainty In Key Official Statistics, New Techniques And Technologies For Statistics 2019, Bruxelles 11-15 March 2019.
  29. Castellini M, Mosconi E, Laureti T, Rubino G, Marconi M, Castellucci S, Turchetti B, Buzzini P, Tasselli G, Barbanera M. (2020) Preliminary environmental impact evaluation of industrial scale microbial biodiesel production from cardoon stalks via steam explosion pretreatment, XX National Congress CIRIAF 16- 17 April 2020
  30. Brandi M., Fusaro M., Laureti T, and Rocco G. (2020) Forecasting Banknote Flows in BdI Branches: Speed-up with Machine Learning, Book of Short Papers SIS2020 Springer.


Working paper


  1. Laureti T. (1998) “Alcuni approfondimenti statistici per il confronto delle acque minerali e acque di rete”, Working Paper, Istituto Economico Facoltà di Economia, Università degli Studi della Tuscia – Viterbo, anno 3 n.1.
  2. Ferrari G. Laureti T. (2002) “Evaluating the Efficiency of Human Capital Formation in the Italian University: Evidence from Florence”, Working Paper n. 16/2002, Dipartimento di Statistica “G.Parenti”, Firenze University Press.
  3. Laureti T. (2005) “Profilo e sbocchi professionali dei laureati dell’Università degli studi della Tuscia dell’anno 2000”, Working Paper n.2, Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali, Tecnologici e Quantitativi.
  4. Boero G.e Laureti T. Naylor R (2005) An Econometric Analysis of student withdrawal and progression in post-reform Italian Universities”, Working paper CRENOS, N. 4.
  5. Laureti T. (2006) La valutazione della formazione universitaria: le opinioni degli studenti delle lauree triennali. Evidenze della facoltà di Economia dell’Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Working Paper n.2, Dipartimento di Studi Aziendali, Tecnologici e Quantitativi.
  6. Ferrari G. Laureti T. e Secondi L. (2009) Un’analisi CGE dell'impatto del turismo sul sistema economico della Sardegna Working Paper 9/20009 Dipartimento di Statistica “G.Parenti”, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
  7. Biggeri L. e Laureti T. (2011) Understanding changes in PPPs over time, 6th Technical Advisory Group Meeting, World Bank October 3-4, 2011 Washington DC
  8. Cacchiarelli, L., Carbone, A., Laureti, T., Sorrentino, A. (2014) The Value of the Certifications of Origin: a comparison between the Olive Oil and the Wine Markets, 145th EAAE Seminar: Intellectual Property rights for Geographical Indications: what is at stake in the TTIP? April 14-15 2015, Department of Economics, University of Parma
  9.  Braccini A.M. Laureti T. Secondi L. (2014) Performance Measurement for Universities: an Analysis of Students’ perceived Satisfaction Data, paper presentato a eq(cs)^2 – 2014 CONFERENCE, Italian Conference Excellence in quality, statistical quality control and customer satisfaction, September 18-19, 2014 Campus “Luigi Einaudi”, University of Turin.


Research Report


  1. Laureti T. (2008) I laureati dell’Università degli Studi della Tuscia: Domanda e Offerta di lavoro,  Università degli Studi della Tuscia, 2008. (in Italian)
  2. Laureti T. (2008) Indicatori di Efficienza ed Efficacia per la Valutazione dell’Università degli Studi della Tuscia: Suggerimenti metodologici e prime elaborazioni, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, 2008. (in Italian)
  3. Laureti T. (2010) Sistemi di indicatori per la misura dell’efficienza della formazione universitaria (Capitoli 1,2,5,9 e 10) Rapporto di Ricerca 3/10, Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Comitato Nazionale per la Valutazione del Sistema Universitario, ottobre 2010. (in Italian)
  4. Laureti T. Secondi L. (2014) Evoluzione della Struttura Imprenditoriale e Produttiva della Provincia di Viterbo, Polos 2015, Sezione 5, 145-187, Camera di Commercio di Viterbo. (in Italian)
  5. Laureti T. Secondi L. (2015) Short-term analysis of business performance, in 15° Rapporto Economia Tuscia Viterbese, Polos 2014, Sezione 5, 65-96, Camera di Commercio di Viterbo. (in Italian)
  6. Laureti T. (2018) Statistical Report: in use test of the topical treatment of melasma, DEIM, University of Tuscia
  7. Laureti T. Benedetti I. (2019) Exploring the degree of firms’ digitalization in the province of Viterbo, presented at the 17a Economic day (in Italian)
  8. Laureti T. Benedetti I. (2020) Measuring and communicating uncertainty for official poverty indicators: current status and future developments, COMUNIKOS Project-Eurostat