Tuscia University of Viterbo
International Semesters in Political Science
(October-December 2018 and March-May 2019)
The Political Science Master at Tuscia University welcomes foreign and Italian students to attend the courses (held in English and in French) in the context of the first edition of the International Semesters in Political Science. Attendance of these courses is open to Erasmus, Erasmus+ and other foreign students, both graduate and undergraduate, who are visiting at Tuscia University on temporary basis. Italian students enrolled in the Political Science Master (Scienze della politica, della sicurezza internazionale e della comunicazione pubblica) may attend the course in English of the International Semesters as a regular course (8 cfu); they may attend the course in French to obtain the credits related to the “Alternative formative activities” (6 cfu).
Two courses will be offered:
Course in English (October-December 2018):
Rural Economic Development (48 hours – for students of Scienze della politica, della sicurezza internazionale e della comunicazione pubblica: 8 cfu) Prof. Giacomo Branca
Course in French (March-May 2019):
Langages, histoires et géographies de la politique (36 hours - for students of Scienze della politica, della sicurezza internazionale e della comunicazione pubblica: 6 cfu) Prof. Sante Cruciani, Antonella Del Prete, Raffaella Petrilli
Notre objet d'étude sera le rapport entre la communication et la politique, entendue au sens large du terme. L'approche est interdisciplinaire. Trois seront les cas d'études analysés: la communication d'Emmanuel Macron; l'apport de Yves Lacoste et de la revue Hérodote à la renaissance de la géopolitique dans les ans Soixante-dix; la relation entre la communication et la démocratie chez Jürgen Habermas. Le cours se propose de mobiliser les capacités d'interaction des étudiants et comportera des laboratoires et des travaux dirigés. Le parcours complet est de 6 CFU, divisés en 24 heures de cours et 12 heures de travail personnel.
Futher informations about class schedules will be avalaible at the following address: Orari delle lezioni