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Descrizione generale e procedure amministrative

The thesis is a write original documents prepared by the MSc student as final exam of his career. The format must be agreed with the supervisor, following the general standard used for scientific publications. The general introduction should include a detailed analysis of the international scientific literature and a clear definition of the objectives of the work. A methodological description, including the statistical analyses of the data, must be included in the core text of the thesis, while detailed data-set or other source of information / methodologies can be included as Annex section.

The results must be presented according to the international standard commonly used in the specific sector of science, as well the discussion should analyse the results in comparison with other relevant studies published in qualified journal/database (peer review approach).

Before the intensive experimental activities, normally during the second year (but if related to field activities and seasonal dynamics could start during the second semester of the first year), the student should start to analyse the literature and to define the objectives and the experimental layout. After the end of data collection, the student should reserve at least one month to finalise the thesis writing.

The thesis will be evaluated by a department commission (five members), during the public session for the final discussion. Different sessions are normally available for each academic year, from July to December (plus extra in January and February). The autumn-winter sessions are particularly relevant for the students working in the field or related to seasonal processes.

At least one month before the selected date for the final discussion, the candidate sends a complete draft of the thesis to a reviewer nominated by the Director of the Department. The reviewer could suggest changes and corrections, to be considered in the final version. The reviewer will send his evaluation to the commission.

The final grade of the career is based on 110 points system. A first component is calculated from the two-years weighted average score (eg. 28/30*110 = 102.6 = 103); the second component is assigned by the commission over a maximum of 10 points, on the base of the duration of the study, thesis quality and presentation. If the final result will be over 110 points, the student will obtain an extra: "cum laude"

Administrative procedures