Welcome to the open archive of the University of Tuscia, Viterbo
The archive, born from a pilot project launched by the Faculty of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures, is being developed in cooperation with UNITUS Library System, Calculus Center and CINECA, and is linked to the international movement for the Open Access.
The archive has the primary objective of collecting, describing and making freely available the results of the teaching and research activities carried out within the university.
In particular, the archive collects:
- the scientific production (articles, contributions, pre-print, post-print, etc.) of university professors and collaborators, or the result of research activities promoted by the University;
- a limited selection of materials and tools created within the didactic activity of the University, its structures and its teachers and collaborators, distributed in the form of Open Courseware;
- PhD thesis;
- degree thesis, limited to those for which the competent faculty or structures have deemed it significant and appropriate to be published online;
- some collections of digital resources produced outside the university, as part of projects or collaborations in which the university or its structures participate (this is the case of the Sylos Labini Collection)
GO TO Unitus DSpace (12/10/2020 - site currently visible in consultation mode only)