Distinguished (“Chiara Fama”) Full Professor Recruitment
In compliance with budget constraints, the University of Tuscia (UNITUS) might also proceed to fill position through the Direct Call of scientists who have achieved the rank of Full Professor and who continue to perform in an exemplary and outstanding manner
To this end, the University submits specific proposals to the Ministry of University and Research, which may grant or reject the appointment, having received the opinion of the Committee appointed to conduct the procedures for national scientific qualification, as per art. 16, c. 3, letter (f) DM no. 2010/240 and amendments thereafter, for the scientific sector for which the Direct Call is proposed, to be expressed within 30 days from the issue of the request for opinion.
The Rector confirms the appointment by Decree and sets the relative salary class based on seniority of service and merit (Art. 1, c. 9, DM n. 230/2005).
UNITUS invites ‘Expression of Interest - EOI’ for a position at the Distinguished Professor (Chiara Fama) level from any field of research to be filled through a Direct Call (Chiamata Diretta) procedure. The call is available here.
Requirements for the Distinguished (Chiara Fama) Full Professor recruitment:
UNITUS offers the possibility of Distinguished (Chiara Fama) Full Professor to outstanding scholars who meet the following requirements:
- Hold a similar position in a foreign or international university for at least three years.
- Have been awarded distinguished international science awards.
- Have held managerial positions in highly qualified international research institutes for at least three years.
The Direct Call requires the consultation of the National Scientific Qualification Commissions (ASN).
National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale - ASN). From 2012 onwards, academics, scientists, and scholars can have a new position or be promoted to Associate Professor or Full Professor through a specific procedure: the National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale - ASN). ASN implies a nationwide selection to obtain an official qualification called “abilitazione”, without which it is not possible to access to the highest academic positions. Yearly official calls ("concorsi nazionali") are issued by the Ministry of University and Research for various academic recruitment fields (“raggruppamenti concorsuali”), and are open for 4 months. Applications are examined by committees composed by experienced Full Professors. The Qualification is valid for 9 years.
UNITUS is an equal opportunity employer and intends to enhance the diversity of its faculty members. Furthermore, UNITUS provides newly appointed professors with various types of support, such as a fully funded Ph.D. scholarship and welcoming services, giving benefits for a faster integration.
If you intend to join UNITUS, we can provide assistance for the preparation of your application, contact us at talent@unitus.it.