European Research Council (ERC) Grantees Recruitment
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (RTDB) or Associate Professor for ERC Consolidator Grantees (CoG) with UNITUS as Host Institution
University of Tuscia (UNITUS) aims at creating a favorable environment and an appropriate socio-ecosystem for world-class academics. To provide outstanding researchers with both short- and long-term perspectives, UNITUS offers the possibility of Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (RTDB) or Associate Professor to successful Consolidator Grantees (CoG) of the European Research Council (ERC) (for candidates 7-12 years after Ph.D.) with UNITUS as Host Institution, following favorable evaluations from the Department and the University Recruitment Committee, and the award of the National Habilitation as Associate Professor from a National Evaluation Committee.
If you were awarded for a Consolidator Grant (CoG) to the ERC and are interested in joining UNITUS’s research community, you can apply to the call available here.
If you have submitted a proposal for a CoG to the ERC (Call ERC-2020-CoG) and are interested in joining UNITUS’s research community, please contact us at in order to get support throughout the process as soon as possible.
If you have not submitted a proposal for a Consolidator Grant (CoG) to the ERC and are interested in submitting to the Call ERC-2021-CoG with UNITUS as a Host Institution, please contact us at in order to get support throughout the process as soon as possible.
Requirements for an ERC CoG application:
- 7-12 years of experience after the Ph.D.
- Excellent track record (e.g., significant publications, invited presentations to peer-reviewed, internationally established conferences and/or international advanced schools).
- Ground-breaking, novel, and innovative research project.
Requirements for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (RTDB) or Associate Professor and recruitment procedure:
- UNITUS offers the possibility of Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (RTDB) or Associate Professor to successful applicants for ERC Consolidator Grants (Call ERC-2021-CoG) who sign their first Grant Agreement with the UNITUS as Host Institution.
- The appointment requires the National Habilitation for Associate Professor.
- The appointment requires the successful completion of a selection procedure (analogous to standard faculty appointments) by the respective Department.
- As a first step, interested candidates are requested to get in touch with the team of Talent Valorization and Attraction who is going to provide information on UNITUS’s procedures to hire Tenure-Track Assistant Professors (RTDB) or Associate Professors.
- On initiative of one of its departments, the respective department head starts a selection procedure for the appointment to the Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (RTDB) or the Associate Professor after the ERC application is approved for the second stage of the evaluation process.
- UNITUS is an equal opportunity employer and intends to enhance the diversity of its faculty members. Furthermore, UNITUS provides newly appointed professors with various types of support, such as a fully funded Ph.D. scholarship and welcoming services.
National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale - ASN). From 2012 onwards, academics, scientists, and scholars can have a new position or be promoted to Associate Professor or Full Professor through a specific procedure: the National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale - ASN). ASN implies a nationwide selection to obtain an official qualification called “abilitazione”, without which it is not possible to access to the highest academic positions. Yearly official calls ("concorsi nazionali") are issued by the Ministry of University and Research for various academic recruitment fields (“raggruppamenti concorsuali”), and are open for 4 months. Applications are examined by committees composed by experienced Full Professors. The Qualification is valid for 9 years.
If you intend to apply with UNITUS as Host Institution for an ERC CoG, we can provide assistance for the preparation of your ERC grant proposal.
Principal Investigators have the right to require the transfer of their research project to a new beneficiary, as long as the research objectives of the project are preserved. Grant portability empowers researchers and gives them freedom to bring their research and research team with them.