Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) 2021
Positions of Assistant, Associate, Full, or Distinguished Full Professor
The University of Tuscia (UNITUS) prepares students and professionals of diverse backgrounds for positions of leadership in research and education. The excellence of research produced by UNITUS is intrinsically linked to the high quality of its researchers and professors. As research increasingly encompasses global collaboration and the new paradigms of inter- and multi-disciplinarity, UNITUS is at the forefront of developing and implementing new strategies to competitive recruitment that will maintain and strengthen the confidence of the government, the European Union, public and private research funders and relevant stakeholders in its research work.
Competitive recruitment of early career researchers and professors creates the opportunity to bring the current and future leaders of our disciplines to UNITUS. Excellence of UNITUS depends on identifying the most talented pool of candidates and evaluating those candidates with a rigorous process.
The UNITUS competitive recruitment program sheds light on the University’s strategy to recruit and retain highly qualified and motivated scientists needed to fill important positions. Many useful policies and mechanisms to improve recruitment have been authorized by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, but their success will depend on vigorous and creative implementation through the layers of governance.
UNITUS invites Expression of Interest for the position of Assistant, Associate, Full, or Distinguished Full Professor through the following highly selective actions:
Professors at the University of Tuscia may be employed through Direct Calls.
The call is available here.