The Rector is the legal representative of the university and his duties include policy, initiative and the coordination of scientific and teaching activities. The Rector shall pursuit the aims of the University according to quality criteria and in compliance with the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and promotion of merit (Article 10 Bylaws).
From 1 November 2019 the Rector of the University of Tuscia is
Prof. Stefano UBERTINI (appointed for six years by Ministerial Decree of 31 October 2019 n. 1010).
The Rector Delegates shall promote initiatives and develop proposals for the implementation of the general guidelines of the governing bodies and in close collaboration with the competent structures in the matters subject to delegation.
The Delegates shall maintain constant relations with the Rector and the General Manager and annually provide the Rector with the report on the activities performed and planned; their term of office coincides with that of the Rector.
The Rector’s Delegates for the six-year period 2019-2025 (Rect. Decree No. 917/19 of 26/11/2019 and Rect. Decree No. 942/19 of 12/02/2019):