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On October 16, 2020, the University of Tuscia joined the «Manifesto dell’Università inclusiva», developed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to facilitate the access of refugees to university education and research and to promote social integration and active participation in academic life.

The Manifesto aims to promote the condition of young holders of international protection who intend to continue their studies and research in the country of asylum, and stems from the awareness that cultural, technical and intellectual experiences can be a great resource for Italy.

Joining the Manifesto represents the first step of collaboration between UNHCR and the network of Italian universities involved in the University Corridors for Refugees (UNI-CO-RE) project, aimed to promote inclusion initiatives for asylum seekers and refugees within the training courses of the University of Tuscia.

The University Corridors for Refugees (UNI-CO-RE) project, coordinated by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), in 2020 allowed 20 refugee students (from Eritrea, Sudan, South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo) to arrive in Italy and continue their university studies in one of the participating Italian universities (University of Cagliari, Florence, L'Aquila, Milan (Statale), Padua, Perugia, Pisa, Rome (Luiss), Sassari, and Venice (IUAV).

Professor Mario Savino of the Department of Literary and Linguistic, Communicational and Historical Juridical European Institutions (DISTU), has been appointed the University of Tuscia representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).




UNICORE 3.0 - Project Call for applications for 2 study grants and welcome services for refugee students registering for Second cycle degree programmes taught in English or Italian at the University of TUSCIA  for the Academic Years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023


Application Form





Master Degree programmes offered in English

- Circular Economy (LM-76) (MSc fully in English)

- Forestry and Environmental Sciences (LM-73) International Course – Multiple Degree (MSc fully in English)

- Security and Human Rights LM90  (MSc fully in English)


Master Degree programmes offered in Italian

- Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (LM-69)

- Environment and Forests Conservation and Restoration (LM-73)

- Biotechnologies for Agro-food Safety and Quality (LM-7)

- Marine Biology and Ecology (LM-6)

- Cellular and Molecular Biology (LM-6)

- Economics and Communication for Management and Innovation (LM-77)

- Marketing and Quality (LM-77)

- Mechanical Engineering (LM-33)

- Management, Finance and Controlling (LM-77)

- Industrial Biotechnology for health and well-being (LM-8)

- Landscape Architecture (LM-3) (joint degree)

- Food Science and Technology (LM-70) (joint degree)

- Languages and Cultures for International Communication (LM-37)

- Political Science, International Security Studies and Public Communication (LM-62)

- Archaeology and Art History: Preservation and Enhancement (LM-2/LM-89)

- Modern Philology (LM-14)

- Digital Information (LM-91)