Cooperazione tecnico-scientifica con lo IAMB (BA) per la caratterizzazione geneticomolecolare di isolati di Xylella fastidiosa
Ente finanziatore: risorse dei ricercatori
Unità di Ricerca DAFNE UNITUS
Responsabile scientifico Prof. GM BALESTRA
Partecipanti: Dr. A. Mazzaglia, PhyDia srl
Durata: 2018 – 2022
Xylella fastidiosa subspecies pauca, the causal agent of the Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS), is among the most serious phytopathological emergencies in progress nowadays. In Italy, in the Apulia region, hundreds of thousands of hectares of olive groves have been harshly affected since the first report in 2013. The disease could theoretically affect all the olive growing area where suitable environmental conditions for the pathogen exist, such as the entire Mediterranean basin,
including North Africa and Middle East, but also South America, where the disease was already reported in Brazil and Argentina.
The aim of this research is the development of a molecular diagnostic tool, whose application can provide indications about the dynamics and diffusion pathways of the pathogen, crucial to strengthen measures counteracting the disease spread.
Giorgio Mariano Balestra, Yaseen Jundi Rahi, Maria Claudia Taratufolo, Serena Ciarroni, Vincenzo Tagliavento, Franco Valentini, Anna Maria D’Onghia, Angelo Mazzaglia (2018). IDENTIFICATION OF TANDEM REPEATS LOCI FOR PROSPECTIVE XYLELLA FASTIDIOSA SUBSP. PAUCA GENOTYPING. (4-7 June 2018, Florenze (I) IOBC OILB WPRS/SROP 8th IOBC-WPRS meeting on “Integrated Protection of Olive Crops”.